how to kill weeds in Bermuda grass

lawn care products

How to Kill Weeds in Bermuda Grass

It’s late winter or early spring, depending on your area, and while your Bermuda grass is still fairly dormant the weeds are coming on strong.  Because our Bermuda lawn is still not very active it’s a great time to kill winter weeds or early spring weeds.  Keep in mind this is NOT a pre-emergent treatment, but a weed killing treatment.  However, in this video we ARE going to add some herbicides that have pre emergent qualities.  

Important Update:
40 Pound PGF Complete bags are now in-stock.


← Click the bag to order.

All last year people request the 40lb bag of PGF Complete fertilizer. Now it’s finally here.  The ONLY fertilizer that Doc uses and the results are amazing. INCLUDING SHIPPING… it’s about $59

Killing Weeds in Bermuda Lawn Video

In this video Doc preps up his first weed treatment of the year.

Weed killing Products Used

Image is mainly for grassy weeds such as poa annua and wild onion. One 24 ounce bottle treats 6000 sq ft. (Read and follow the label)

2, 4-D Amine is for the broad leaf weeds. 2-3 Tablespoons per 1000 sq feet. (Read and follow the label)

Dimension Liquid has Pre and Post impacts on crabgrass. If you’re a little late to the weed killing, great option.  (2 pints per acre.) While this product SEEMS expensive you need to realize that the 1/2 gallon size treats TWO ACRES of turf. So it may last you several years.


Super Juice and Spray Bottles

We will mix all this with Super Juice and use the new spray bottles that are a 20:1 ratio. MAKE SURE you order the bottles shown below. Not all are the same.  We will also list the tea pitcher and screens as well.

One bag will treat 1-2 acres.

New spray bottles – generally they will cover about 2000 sq ft.

Great Lawn Spreader


Measure Your Lawn Square Footage.

Use the link below to measure your lawn’s square footage.



Best Weed ID Page

→ Use this link to ID your lawn weeds.

Learn About Humichar

Click the bag to learn about Humichar.

Green Lawn Dye

Best Garden Hose

We own over 20 of these hoses. Amazing hose.



Poa Annua a weed often seen in Bermuda Grass

When we kill weeds in our lawn this time of the year there are few that we really focus on. However, don’t forget that right behind these winter lawn weeds comes the really bad ones such as crabgrass, goose grass, and dallisgrass.  Therefore we need to be thinking about pre-emergent as well.

poa annua in bermuda lawn

Other lawn weeds seen this time of year.




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