Lawn Fungus Treatments

The new 2020 Best Lawn Fungus Product

Treats 10,000 sq ft of lawn is on the DG particle.

granular lawn fungicide

Broad spectrum and systemic disease control and suppression for turf

Use this product in a preventative disease control programDG Pro formulation allows for more particles per square inch.

Easy to spread formula with Dispersing Granual Technology, allows for more particles per square inch of the product – leads to better control of Fungicide










Propiconazole for Super Juice

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Quart is $44

Great size to add to Super Juice.

Cures and prevents just about all fungus issues including brown patch, dollar spot and rust.




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Gallon is $93

Propiconazole 14.3 is a broad spectrum fungus and disease control product that systemically kills a range of diseases and protect a variety of flowers, cool and warm season grasses, shrubs, and trees. Targets: Rusts, Pink & Gray Snowmolds, Gray Leaf Spot, Zoysia Patch, Dollar Spot, Summer Patch, Anthracnose, Leaf Spot, Brown Patch, Powdery Mildew plus more.




<<< The “PRO version” Lawn Fungus treatments Liquid 

About $42 Works on dollar spot too.
Eagle 20e prevents a wide range of tough diseases / lawn fungus that threaten your turf and landscape ornamental plants, including: • Powdery Mildew• Rust• Scab• Ascochyta Blight • Poinsettia Scab•Black Spot• Many turf diseases One-pint bottle of concentrate. The active ingredient is myclobutanil, which protects new foliage by moving upward through the plant tissue as it grows, leaving your greens healthy and playable. General application rates are 1.2 to 2.4 oz per 1000 sq ft per application. Not to exceed 13.8 oz per 1000 sq ft per year. Works best as a preventative in a regular maintenance program.




I just gave this product a try and so far results are good.  I used it in combination with a LIGHT spray of the Bayer liquid below on areas that were infected… relying on the granules to protect the non-infected areas.

Bayer Advanced Fungus Control for Lawns 10 lbs. Granules cures and prevents turf damaging diseases and keeps them from invading your lawn. This rainproof formula provides up to 1-month protection against most common lawn diseases, including brown patch, dollar spot, summer patch, rusts and anthracnose. Keeping your lawn free of listed diseases has never been easier.

  • Cures and prevents common lawn diseases, such as brown patch, dollar spot, fusarium patch, summer patch, rusts, anthracnose, red thread, strip smut, snow mold, and powdery mildew
  • 1 application protects for up to 1-month
  • Treats up to 5,000 sq. ft.
  • Weatherproof protection
  • Ready-to-spread granules



It’s not cheap… but works well.

Cures and prevents listed lawn diseases
  • Works for up to 1 month
  • Controls Red Thread, Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Rust and other listed diseases
  • Greater coverage and long, weatherproof protection*
  • 32 oz. Ready-To-Spray treats up to 5,000 sq. ft.
  • 10 lb. Granules1 treat up to 5,000 sq. ft.
  • Actives: 2.42% Propiconazole (Ready-To-Spray);
    0.51% Propiconazole (Granules)

Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide offers a formula to cover a wide range of problem lawn diseases. This new product is fast acting and continues to control lawns diseases for up to 4-weeks. Scotts DiseaseEx controls common diseases like: Brown Patch, Stem and Stripe Rust, Red Thread, Powdery Mildew, Pythium, Southern and Typhula Blight, Pink Patch, Nercrotic Ring Spot, Summer Patch, Yellow Patch and more.

  • Fast acting – starts working in 24-hours
  • Broad spectrum disease prevention and control
  • Controls brown patch and other common lawn diseases
  • Systemic formula controls up to 4-weeks
  • Controls 26 types of diseases
  • Controls brown patch, dollar spot and other common lawn diseases, see label for listed diseases
  • Use any time on any lawn to prevent or control listed lawn diseases
  • Does not contain fertilizer
  • Systemic-action formula
  • Surpresses these turfgrass diseases: fusarium blight, necrotic ring spot and summer patch

Good results, little bit lower price.






Fungus treatments for lawns.