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Thanks to Kate for the pic….. Thank you for your YouTube videos. I’m in the hot part of Northern California (average 95 – 105 during the summer). In the past, my lawns have always started to turn brown and/or get fungus starting in July and August. I used the PGF Complete and Super Juice on my lawns about two weeks ago. The improvement is amazing. It’s even helping to heal the female dog pee spots! I have two labradoodles and tried everything I could find to help prevent the pee burn spots, to no avail. Hurray for PGF Complete and… Read more »
Love your videos DOC thanks for the knowledge will have to try your Super Juice.
We moved to GA 6 months ago and didn’t know anything about Bermuda grass. We inherited a lawn full of weeds. We hired a national lawn service to treat the weeds and it got worse. I canceled them and researched how to fix it myself and found How to with Doc. We purchased PGF Complete and Superjuice and now we have a lawn that is green, thick and lush. Thank you Doc for saving our lawn! We love your videos.
Been following “How To with Doc” for the past year after we moved to a home that had bermuda. Last year I did nothing but use pre-emergant in the fall, but didn’t do anything in the spring. I wasn’t really happy with how my lawn was looking (a bit sparse, not super green and patchy). Once I saw the video’s that PGF Complete was for sale, and COULD be applied during the summer time, I purchased a bag and tried it on my front lawn. After ONE WEEK, I saw a huge difference. I quickly ordered 2 more bags, and… Read more »
Thanks… great pics. Actually going to use one or two on the site. Doc
Wow, I am super impressed. I just moved into my first house and my grass is a little disappointing. I found out about Doc about a week ago and did my first application of Super Juice today. Now I have to get PGF Complete.
First year on the juice….happy with the results. From Midlothian, Texas.
I’ve been following you for a year now and my lawn looks amazing except for a few problem areas that won’t grow grass. I got a couple tons of topsoil and applied more seed (Yukon) and watered twice a day. Before I went on vacation it looked like the seeds were sprouting. Came back and it was bare as before? Any suggestions? I’m in southeast Virginia.
stay home and water next time, junior.
7 weeks in. This is PGF complete and humic acid
thanks I will be ordering from the product you listed pgf super juice n other.
Hi everybody! Here is my lawn when i put down PGF Complete.
This year I decided it was time to stop neglecting my lawn. I’ve been applying PGF complete every 4 weeks since it came out, and supplementing with super Juice every 2 weeks. Along with frequent watering my yard has begun to not only heal from the neglect, but the color of my lawn is dominating my neighbor’s lawn!
Been following Doc for awhile now on Youtube. I’m glad I found his channel. I have definitely learned a lot being this is my first house I’ve owned. Bought the house earlier this year and and the yard needed some major attention. PGF complete works amazing. I watered mine in right after applying. The pics speak for themselves.
Bought new house at end of March in Arizona. Started following how to with doc and using his method and products start with dirt and rocks. Four months later still got a few stops that need to fill in but looks good that it started form dirt. Still green with the 110° temperatures while everyone around that has grass is just burned out from the heat. Thanks Doc!
First year on the juice and PGF complete. Thanks Doc.
I starting using PGF complete and super juice in May 2019. July I put down PGF complete and Humic DG. Super juice was put down at the half rate every 2 to 3 weeks. My lawn has never been this green, even during the hot weather.
I am located in North Alabama and I have Zoysia grass in my yard. I have been using PGF Complete with Super Juice. My yard is the greenest yard in the subdivision. Thanks to Anderson’s and Doc’s video’s I treat my own lawn with pre-emergent and weed control products. Thanks for helping me become the one in my neighborhood everyone is coming to for help.
Hey I’m in Tuscaloosa and I was wondering around what time did you start your treatment
Been following Doc since early Spring and amazed with the results! The top pic is my backyard in August of last year and the bottom 3 are June/July/August of this year. Live in SC and have put down 1 full strength treatment of PGF Complete and 1 treatment at half strength. Also spray super juice every 2-3 weeks and I put down 2 treatments of Humic DG early in the season.
Located in Georgia outside of Atlanta and this is my new Bermuda lawn one week post PGF complete. Sod was installed about a month and a half ago.
The first picture was my lawn 1 year ago. It was around 1% Bermuda, 5% dandelions, 94% crabgrass, and had serious soil issues. After following your Bermuda grass calendar, I was pleased to see no weeds in my lawn this spring… EXCEPT for the dreaded Poa Annua (second picture). Following the advice in your videos/posts, I was able to kill off the Poa Annua and to my surprise, I was finally seeing some Bermuda show up. After doing some soil correction and applying a few rounds of super juice, my lawn started to transform. I didn’t think it could be… Read more »
Awesome work……….
Love the product. It has brought my 1/2 acre lawn a long way. The problem now is that you’re like the crack dealer that went to prison…i can’t get my product. I can tell when the lawn is hungry. The Bermuda stolen quit running across bare ground. I have 98% coverage after a Bahia and weed burn off in May, but I need that last push before fall to get complete coverage. I’ll take 10 bags please.?
Green grass in Austin, Tx in August??? No way. YES, WAY!!! I never thought I’d see my lawn nice and green in the summer heat of Austin, Tx. We’ve been in the high 90’s / low 100’s for well over a month and zero rain. PGF and Super Juice are truly amazing!!! Can you tell where my property line starts / finishes? Thanks, Doc!!!
This stuff works even if you’re not a pro. Doesn’t burn like many ferts, even in the heat at 96 degrees for days!!! Best product for lawns period.
In July 2019, I decided to upgrade my lawn. At the time, it was full of dallisgrass, crab grass and sand burs(80%). I sprayed killer that was bermuda friendly and then scalped to one inch. I prepared the 10,000 sq ft for Blackjack bermuda. It sprouted in 7 days and I watered heavily for 2 weeks. Then came PGF and Super Juice. In 2 months the grass is full but not thick. I will push it hard this spring and then start working on the side of the house (4000 sq ft). The products on Doc’s website are the best… Read more »
Been using super juice all year and PGF complete most fo the year, great results, Thanks Doc ,best lawn in the neighborhood
PGF Results….Incredible green-up since applying PGF complete on my TTTF lawn this Fall…lawn looks full and healthy…will definitely be using more next Spring!
Hey doc !
Thanks for all your help ! Pgf complete, superjuice and all your knowledge has helped me a ton this past season.
Looking at the three lawns in the picture can you guess who used docs method ?
Hey his is late November in south Texas !!!
Thanks again doc !
What a difference a year makes. Thanks to Doc, pre-emergent, PFG Complete, super juice and Humichar I’ve been able to bring our grass (sod) back to life. Here in the desert southwest it can be very difficult keeping and maintaining green grass and the stuff you buy at the big box stores just don’t cut it.
Keeping fingers crossed we make it thru the hot dry summer.
Thanks Doc!!
Hey Doc. I’ve been following your videos and taking your advice on the recommended products. My lawn was really compacted and looking terrible. I applied Super Juice on May 12th at half strength and then aerated and put PGF down on the May 17th. I had plenty of rain the next 4 days. I am seeing some improvements; however, not as much as I thought I would. I applied Super Juice at full strength on May 25th and a light application of 10-10-10. I hope the bare spots begin to fill in. The plan is to put down another application… Read more »
From field to fairway. Thanks to PGF Complete, Superjuice, Humichar and Cockadoodle cocoa puffs..uh..crumbles. Thanks for the tips Doc!
Part 2 I made the picture into a grid again thank you thank you for helping us save our grass the PGF was a life saver along with the juices you have a lifetime customer from the Shankles.
Hey Doc, I’m dealing with Witch’s Broom on my Bermuda lawn. From what I’ve read it’s caused by a mite. Do you know if Duocide will help? Anyways, thanks again for all that you do and stay safe. ? Jaime
Id like to consider myself a bit of a long time follower; probably 1 yea now. It was last July when the chinch bugs had gotten to me and my St Augustine grass and I decided enough is enough and it was time for something different and something better. Icon Zoysia was my project. As an ex PGA Pro, I wanted the golf look but something just a bit different than Bermuda especially for some shade and beach and salt air location. I installed the new sod in July 2019 and let it take shape and grow with milorganjte applications… Read more »
Can’t say enough about how thick my lawn is. How healthy my soil is. Note: little to no weeds.
1st year using these products. HUMICHAR, PGF COMPLETE, Doc’s super juice.
**Follow the guide**. Use AS DIRECTED and I would go a step further and say listen word for word to Doc’s instructions on his videos. Finnally use the calendar, Read lawn guide!
Going to be blunt. Supplement feeding works!
Thank you Doc and Andersons very pleased with all your products.
Raving Fan.
Nice job, keep it as it is looking awesome
I’ve used PGf complete and just applied super juice today. It’s amazing how well these products work! Thanks Doc for the great lawn tips as currently have one of the yards in this area!
Super juice every 2 weeks since April
Watched Doc’s video on malorganite v. Soybean. Totally agree. Used soybean meal for decades. Great. 10 pounds per 1000 square feet every 6 weeks or so. However you promote a soybean product at 71 dollars a bag. Soybean meal cost 15 to 20 dollars a 50lb bag. Can get at any feed store. Great stuff and edable. If you wish.
Doc. First time using the products requested for my lawn. Def look forward to an amazing yard. It’s consistently over 100 for the next 10 days. Will it be okay to apply pgf complete and Humichar first thing in the morning at the same time. How often do I water after applying?
Bermuda in GA: PGF Complete applied from Apr to July monthly in addition to professional treatment. 2 applications of Humichar as well for long term soil improvement. TopDress, PGF Complete Monthly, Weekly Cuts and Watering has all added to thickening. I am cutting lowest setting on riding mower around 1.5″ and cutting every 5-6 days (No Reel Mower Yet for me)! So excited for the Growth Regulator and hope to use in near future. Additional Note: Removed a tree where Flower Bed is and hence the reason grass looked so bad coming out of the Winter. Once growth season started… Read more »
Hello from GA. I decided to do a summer scalp. I have been using PGF complete and Super Juice all year. 14 days later it looks gorgeous and luscious. Thanks Doc. Now we just need to get past this drought and we’ll be ok.
Hi Doc,
Thanks so much for all of your hard work and videos. The most recent How to Fix an Ugly Lawn (Aug 26 2020) you use Q4 to kill weeds. Can you tell me the rate of application that you use? Thanks for all that you do. Mike (Chapel Hill, NC)
I’ve got the best looking lawn ever and I’ve been fighting it for years! Had a lawn service that did a horrible job! Had more weeds when they left than when they started! Doc’s simple plan takes care of it! PGF Complete and Humichar. That’s all I’m doing. Now if the armadillos leave me alone I’ll be great! Thanks, Doc.
I found your YouTube Channel in late May 2020 as I sat on my front porch having my morning coffee, and wondering why my yard look so bad. So I called my lawn care company and fired them. I then ordered a McLane 25” mower, super juice, Humichar, and PGF Complete. I have been putting Humichar down ever two weeks, PGF Complete every month, and super juice every month. The transformation was almost instantaneous. I have the shortest and greenest grass in the neighborhood. Then the cooler temperature hit northwest Georgia and my grass started turning yellow. The I received… Read more »
Big fan of Doc & learned a lot from the how to with doc YouTube channel. I found doc years back searching for Bermuda grass info & started using his recommendations with great success. Early in 2020 we purchased a new construction home with terrible clay soil, previously seeded cool season grass, basically starting from a very messy scratch. Despite loving Bermuda I wanted the challenge of cool season TTTF. I have followed Doc’s Fescue calendar & have only used PGF Complete, Humichar, & Super Juice. The results speak for themselves. The pics are ONLY 5 weeks after seeding. I… Read more »
Doc: been a fescue man, so found your site.
New subscriber, moved into a new home 07/01/19 on the NC/SC border. Builder scraped dirt to solid clay, layed Bermuda. But why do you not suggest lime? Have soil tests N.C State recommends 5-10-5 fertilizer. My HM% is 0.09, ph=6.0 P=11 k=50
buying Humichar, PGF Complete, and super-juice. The home includes lawn mowing.
Hows it. I live on big island Hawai’i. My Bermuda has now been in from seed for about 7-8 months and now starting brown on certain areas. Not sure if watering too much or not enough. Play volleyball 2-3 a week. Have a dog.
Doc, this site offers tremendous help. Last year I found your site and purchased the Bayer product for dollar spot fungus and it worked like a charm. I was wondering if you might have any insight as to when the PGF Complete Fertilizer will be available on Amazon. It is showing unavailable. Thank you
I really appreciate all your videos and content, Doc! I HAD to share this 2 month before and after… I started off by not knowing ANYTHING about lawn care when I stumbled on your videos. We’ve been living in this rental for 4 years and have never had a proper yard. I finally decided to put some work into it, now that we have little kids and want them to have somewhere to run around. From your videos, I learned to identify that at some point there was burmuda on here and when I thought I would have to do… Read more »
Hey Doc, My wife and I are a young couple just about to finish building our home on a nice 3 acre field, right now it’s just dirt and we’re fixing to go in the fall season so I’m fixing to plant annual ryegrass, soil report from N.C. State recommended an 8-0-24 fertilizer. I’m wanting to plant Bermuda in the spring, I need help haha I have a big piece of land and I just want it to look good! I need advice on the best plan for me starting now
I bought super juice but not sure how to mix it. the bag has general information by acreage. can you suggest the amount to put in my sprayer?
Hey doc I have been following your channel for a while and this is my results from doing your program.
It’s time to dominate.