New Super Juice ™ Lawn Fertilizer for 2019
NOTE: Due to heavy demand Super Juice may be SOLD OUT (currently unavailable) on Amazon. It usually takes 7 business days for restocking. DO NOT pay more than $79 (including shipping)
Add water… a little lawn dye… and spray. That’s it. You’re done.
A complete spectrum, well balanced, all in one, spray lawn fertilizer for ALL types of lawns. (Warm season and cool season lawns and turfs.) We believe this new lawn Super Juice™ Fertilizer is the BEST product to hit the market in over 20 years. Super Juice Fertilizer can only be purchased on Amazon and we’ll post links when available. Estimated Date 2/28/2019
Specifically tested and formulated by Doc and produced by one of the biggest names in the PROFESSIONAL turf and fertilizer industry Super Juice Lawn fertilizer is a professional grade fertilizer / nutrition mix that we feel is the BEST lawn care product to hit the industry in many years. It can be used as a primary fertilizer at full strength and applied every 3-4 weeks, or as a supplement at the 1/2 strength.
You can click the pictures to enlarge.
NOTE: Due to heavy demand Super Juice may be SOLD OUT (currently unavailable) on Amazon. It usually takes 7 business days for restocking. CHECK BACK HERE.
Yes, this SMALL bag of DRY mix Super Juice Fertilizer will treat up to TWO ACRES of lawn providing everything your lawn needs to be healthy and green. No more storing bags and bags of fertilizer. Simply use what you need, seal up, and put away. Measure out what you need, mix with water, and spray on your lawn. Within DAYS… you’ll start to see results. Not weeks or months.
Have a 1/4 acre lawn? Get 8 treatments of a 7-1-2 fertilizer with all the macro and micro nutrients included. No more mess, no more loaded pick-up trucks, no more sore backs. Can also be used as a SUPPLEMENT to your current feeding program if needed. Great for ALL lawns. Bermuda, Fescue, etc. If it’s a LAWN… it wants Super Juice lawn fertilizer.
What’s Inside the New Super Juice lawn fertilizer.
Super Juice Fertilizer based on 14-2-4 mixing ratio.
→ 14% Nitrogen – 2% Phosphorous – 4% Potassium
→ .1% Copper
→ 3.72% Sulfer
→ 2.5% Iron
→ 1.5% Manganese
→ 1% Magnesium
→ .2% Zinc
→ 1.9% Humic Acid
→ Sea Kelp
Simply add a little Lawn Dye and apply with a hose end sprayer.
Full Label Below – Click to Enlarge
Super Juice – FAQ
Tips… The critical points
Why Super Juice™ was developed?
The past 20 years of lawn care research have revealed some important information about nutrition and overall lawn health. For the average homeowner it can be a bit overwhelming. So after two years of experimenting and testing Doc decided to take all the best parts of the needed / helpful nutrition and put them into an easy to use, easy to store product… Super Juice™
Liquid vs. Granular?
We could have chosen either, but we think liquid is far superior and gives you much better CONTROL. Spray your lawn with Super Juice and your lawn starts receiving nutrients in as little as 4 hours. How long does it take for your slow release granular to work? What if you don’t get rain for 7 days? What if you get heavy rains for 5 days? If you cut your lawn, do the granules move? If slow release fertilizers work for up to 4 months… how much in nutrients is your lawn getting this week? WE ARE NOT anti-granular. We simply believe there is a BETTER way…. Super Juice™ Total control.
What is Super Juice?
Super Juice lawn fertilizer is an ALL-IN-ONE… complete and balanced DRY MIX that is added to water and sprayed on the lawn via HOSE END lawn sprayers. Think of it as a MULTI VITAMIN for your lawn.
What does it contain?
7-1-2 ratio of Nitrogen – Phosphorous – Potassium are the MACRO nutrients. It contains Humic Acid and Sea Kelp, and the MICRO nutrients are Iron, Copper, Sulfur, Zinc, Manganese, and Magnesium.
What do the Humic Acid and Sea Kelp do for lawns?
Very long stories… we suggest you simply Google each and read more but here is a summary.
Humic Acids: Humic acid is a natural soil conditioner that acts as an organic chelator and microbial stimulator. It has a unique carbon matrix which includes a high concentration of trace minerals and organic acids. Humic acid enhances the plant’s ability to take in essential nutrients and improves soil structure. Improves plant health, Improves germination and viability of seeds, Chelates macro and micro nutrients to increase availability to the plant for a longer period of time, Increases cation exchange capacity (CEC), Improves soil structure for better aeration and water movement, Stimulates beneficial microorganisms, which can improve long-term soil pH.
Sea Kelp: The sea kelp used contains a complex array of organic and mineral compounds which include vitamins, sugars, enzymes and proteins that combine together to promote improved wear and drought tolerance.
Mixing Strength / Amounts? IMPORTANT: Read Twice…
It does not matter how much WATER you use… it only matters how much of the DRY MIX is actually getting to the ground. One cup of DRY MIX will treat 3000 sq ft in the 7-1-2 ratio and if you want to apply in the stronger 14-2-4 ratio that one cup will cover 1500 sq ft. Example: if you have 12,000 sq ft of lawn, add 4 cups of dry mix to a bucket, 7-1-2 ratio, then add your water. It does not matter if you add one gallon of water or 5 gallons of water.. as long as ALL of that now mixed liquid is applied to the 12,000 square feet since it contains 4 cups of DRY MIX. (Make Sense?)
We like to use MORE water than less. When you use MORE water… you can slow down your spraying process, WALK RATE, and really soak the grass and soil. This way you’ll not only have foliage covered, but some of the nutrients will actually reach the soil / upper roots. This is also a good rule during HOT periods. Using more water and slowing down your walk rate while spraying… puts down a less concentrated liquid… even though the same amount of DRY MIX is being applied to the same sq ft.
Why does it not have Calcium?
1) Very few lawns are calcium deficient. 2) Calcium can alter (raise) the PH of lawns. 3) Calcium can clog sprayers and cause issue with equipment. If you need calcium, order some LIQUID CALCIUM and add it to your lawn treatment.
Why add LAWN DYE ?
Yes the → lawn dye used sparingly… will give your lawn a nice even tone / color, but that’s not the point of using it. The main reasons are… 1) It shows you that PRODUCT is actually coming out and there are no clogs. 2) It shows you where you HAVE and HAVE NOT sprayed.
Is it safe around pets and kids?
Yes, read the label. As applied… it contains nothing harmful to pets or humans.
Does it contain BIO WASTE or MANURES?
No “crap”… just nutrients.
What type of lawns can it be used on?
All warm and cool season grasses.
Is it a Primary Fertilizer or a Supplement?
It can be used as both.
As a Primary
In the full strength of 14-2-4 (one bag per acre) it can be used as a primary fertilizer applied in times when your lawn needs the nutrients. i.e. Spring and Fall. During those periods you may want to apply every 2-4 weeks, then TONE DOWN the strength to 7-1-2 and apply as needed during the warmer months. This gives YOU total control of when and how much fertilizer your lawn gets. (i.e. Do not apply during periods of extreme heat and drought.)
As a Supplement
If you currently use a SLOW RELEASE fertilizer or a fertilizer that requires microbial activity to work, then applying Super Juice during high demand periods or cooler periods will deliver nutrients faster. (i.e. Early Spring) If using as a supplement to a current feeding program, apply as needed in the 7-1-2 ratio. (One bag treats two acres)
Mix in Hot or Cold water?
Just about everything mixes better in hot tap water. It has more ENERGY and dissolves things better. We use hot tap water to START the mixing process. Watch the video.
Why not use those DIAL A DOSE sprayers?
The hose end bottle sprayers we recommend give you a HIGH PRESSURE, HIGH MIST spray pattern. Watch the video. The DIAL A DOSE sprayers are VERY low PSI and don’t give good foliar coverage. It’s also easy to calculate dosage.
Can I use a backpack sprayer or regular pump sprayer?
You could… but here’s why we don’t. 1) There is a good chance you’ll have clogs. They have TINY holes. 2) You’ll be putting down the mix in a very concentrated spray ratio of water / Super Juice. It’s better to use MORE water which will not only cover the blades of grass but also send some to the roots. Example: Many professional lawn chemicals such as pre-emergents give you recommended gallons of water per 1000 sq ft to use when applying. This not only prevents plant damage but helps deliver the chemicals to the correct areas.
Why strain it before spraying?
We’ve learned, as well as most professionals that spray, that all mixes and liquids should be strained / screened before being sprayed. It simply prevents any possible clogs. After you mix Super Juice you will generally see a few pieces of black / brown humic particles that have resisted the dissolving process. Simply get rid of them or if you want… crush them down with your fingers, then re-strain them.
Can I mix in other lawn treatments and chemicals?
Yes, but read the label of the product you are adding. Most will state whether or not they should be mixed with fertilizers. Most can. Also, mix a VERY small amount, like a cup, and make sure there is not adverse mixing impacts or reactions that might cause clogs.
Some of the testing pics.