Winter Lawn Weeds and Poa Annua
Winter Lawn Weeds and Poa Annua Doc explains how to deal with winter weeds in the lawn. If you have serious weed problems like poa annua consider using a preemergent to keep the weeds from […]
Winter Lawn Weeds and Poa Annua Doc explains how to deal with winter weeds in the lawn. If you have serious weed problems like poa annua consider using a preemergent to keep the weeds from […]
Wireless Home Security Cameras Doc reviews and shows all the home security cameras he has purchased and used over the past three years. Some of the security cameras are Wi-Fi based while others use cellular […]
HVAC Soft Start and Whole House Surge Protection Doc goes over both soft starts for HVAC / air conditioning / heat pumps and reviews his results. The soft start on the heat pump reduced the […]
Prevent Frozen Pipes and Irrigation Winterizing Doc gives some tips on preventing frozen pipes as well as how to winterize your irrigation system in the southern zones. Frozen pipes happen every day when temps drop […]
Best Home Generator and Tips Doc breaks down all the information you might need when buying a home generator. The lessons learned from recent hurricanes are many but one stands clear. Having a home generator […]
Severe Drought Lawn Care Let it Die? What to do with your lawn during long droughts. Doc explains that the last rainfall was 34 days ago and if it doesn’t rain soon, we could break […]
Why Preppers Fail or Succeed Tips on Preparing for Disasters Doc talks about Jeff’s video (listed below) and really stresses the importance of not only planning, but then putting those plans to a test. So […]
Should You Winter Overseed a Bermuda Lawn Doc will be doing a winter overseed of the Bermuda lawn and he discusses why you should and why you should not. It really comes down a personal […]
How to Kill Stink Bugs Stop Them As the temps cool stink bugs look for a warmer place to live during the fall and winter months. They land on your house and find a way […]
Hurricane Damage and Farm Updates Doc returns to the farm property after driving through the hurricane damage in eastern Georgia. It was a depressing drive knowing that many in that route would be without power […]
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