Fall preemergent is applied in two phases in our program. First you apply the granular now, then when the first frost hits and grass starts to go dormant you apply a liquid VERY heavy. This “double shot” of pre-emergent takes care of all your cool season weeds. APPLICATION NOTES BELOW.
Click the pic for pricing. NOTE: if it shows “currently unavailable” come back to this page in few days and check again. They are sending more and we’ll update the link.
This is Doc’s #1 choice for pre-emergent in granular form. It’s the broadest spectrum pre-emergent and the technology used in the granules is AMAZING. This product features Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology. Upon contact with water, each DG granule disperses into thousands of microparticles that move through the turf canopy into the root zone.
This is a 50 pound bag and will Doc puts it out at roughly 3.5 lbs per 1000 sq ft in the fall. Then later follows up with a liquid. WATCH THE VIDEO
<<< See the humic acid page here.
Application Notes:
- On the Scotts Elite I set it to 3.5 on the dial. I did do a double pass / crisscross pattern on the front yard.
- I did apply with dew on the grass, then ran irrigation system right after.
- You can also spray with hose if you want.
Click the spreader for info and
Preemergent herbicides prevent the germination of seeds by inhibiting a key enzyme. In some areas of the world, they are used to prevent crabgrass from appearing in lawns. Preemergent herbicides are applied to lawns in the spring and fall, to prevent the germination of weed seeds. They will not affect any established plant. In the spring, they should be applied when air temperatures reach 65–70°F for four consecutive days. In the fall, they should be applied when nighttime lows reach 55–60°F for four consecutive nights.
“Weed and feed” products which contain both preemergent herbicide and fertilizer in a single product should not be used on southern lawns or warm-season grasses. If applied when preemergent herbicide is needed, the fertilizer may burn or stress the lawn. If applied after the lawn “green-up”, weed seeds will have already germinated and the herbicide will be ineffective
To prevent growth of crabgrass, preemergent herbicides must be applied at a critical time. If they are applied to the soil too early, they get washed too deep into the soil or washed away by rainwater. If they are applied too late, the key enzyme inhibited is no longer active. The best control requires a second application about 6–8 weeks later.