Proper Cutting Height for Spring Bermuda Lawns

lawn care products

Proper Cutting Height for Spring Bermuda Lawns

Proper cutting height of your Bermuda lawn can make a huge impact on the health and look.  Doc discusses the urge the let Bermuda lawns to get too high in the spring and why they should be cut low and kept low.  Don’t make the mistake of letting your Bermuda lawn grow too tall.   Sodded or hybrid Bermuda lawns should be maintain between 3/4 and 1.5″ inches.  This is a tough task if you are using a rotary type mower. 

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The Bermuda Lawn Guide

bermuda lawn guide

Super Juice Lawn Supplement and Bio-Stimulant

Lawn Hose End Spray Bottles

WARNING: Use only the 20:1 ratio bottles and do not pay more than $19 for TWO bottles.  When out of stock, others will charge up to $40 if out of stock. Simply wait until they come back in stock from Andersons. 

Microbe and Good Fungus Booster

Liquid Iron for Spray

Surfactant for Spray

Flower and Veggie Garden Compost Booster

DirtBooster helps you make super compost in only a few days. 

Should be applied to ALL LAWNS and can be applied as heavy and as often as you like.  It contains NOTHING that can hurt your lawn and is 50/50 mix of biochar and humic acid. 

PGF Complete 16-4-8 Lawn Fertilizer

This is the main fertilizer for ALL lawns during the growing season.  Warm season and cool season lawns. 

PGF Balance 10-10-10 

A professional grade 10-10-10 with tiny particles, micro nutrients, and iron. 

Granular Pre-Emergent in DG Particles

Spring Lawn Fertilizers

PGF Complete website to pick the right fertilizer. 

Killing Grubs in the Spring

Preventative products should be used in the late summer.  Killing products work best in the spring. The product below can be applied anytime of the year to kill grubs. 

Chicken Feed from Tractor Supply

You can add to your cart and purchase and then pickup at the store.  Not really worth ordering online due to shipping costs.

DuMOR 16% Layer Crumble, 50 lb., 3006316-306

DuMOR 16% Layer Crumble, 50 lb., 3006316-306 [More]

Price: $14.99


Large Tea Pitcher for filling lawn spray bottles.

Large Spreader Used – Top Pick for 2021

Probably one of the best VALUES for a large spreader with huge 13 inch wheels. 

Best VALUE in Reel Mowers


Lawn care tips and Bermuda lawn care.  

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Sandy Moore
Sandy Moore
3 years ago

I just sprayed my yard with Q4 plus. Can I still put out my humichar and PGF complete

Kyle Brookey
Kyle Brookey
3 years ago

Hey Doc – having a full irrigation system installed this week in central NC. Any tips on things to do to get the bermuda to bounce back from the stress it’s going through this week? I am planning on leveling the trenched areas with 50/50 sand & soil mixture to promote the bermuda growth. Should i be doing anything else to help recovery?

3 years ago

Why would you cut off all the green? When I see that I would definitely raise it up, hate it that short.

Andrew Riemitis
Andrew Riemitis
3 years ago

Hey doc. How much water did you mix in your supplement. You use 5 spray bottle so is that about a gallon of water.

Richard Jordan
Richard Jordan
3 years ago

Doc you keep saying cut your lawn we are in North Carolina it’s no grass ? to cut

Jim Kosmar
Jim Kosmar
3 years ago

Doc, What is the best thing to use on Poa annua in Bermuda? Had more this year than past years.

Andrew Riemitis
Andrew Riemitis
3 years ago

How much water do you mix with the stimulant?

edwin f diaz
edwin f diaz
3 years ago

hi doc.
Just wanted to say, I started your program last year at this time in ( April ) and its being great results. ” You the BEST”

I’ve use all the products!

Edwin/ San Antonio TX

John Poole
John Poole
3 years ago

Hey, Doc I sprayed my yard with image and I have a lot of yellow bermunda, should I be worried of damage that is permanent ?

3 years ago

Just watched the video on cutting turf short. I have bermuda in the front and Saint Augustine in the back so I do not have a reel mower. I can drop my Honda shorter, is that what you would recommend? For how long? All summer? thank you

Regina Thibodeaux
Regina Thibodeaux
3 years ago

Good Evening, can you please do a detailed video on lowering the Mclane mower to the A position? I just recently got the mower you recommended but when I lower into A position it is scalping to roots and not making an even cut.