How to Improve Lawn and Garden Soils

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How to Improve Lawn and Garden Soils

Doc walks you through the process of improving your lawn and garden soils.  Our goal is to increase the soil microbial activity as well as add carbon and organic matter.  Just fertilizing you lawn and garden is not enough. Lawns and gardens need healthy soil. The compost soil that Doc makes in this video is HIGHLY charged with microbial activity as well as nutrients. 

GOOD soil is rich in soil organic matter – dark spongy material formed from decomposed plant and animal tissue. Soil organic matter is critically important: It helps soils hold onto water and nutrients and supports soil microbes that recycle nutrients. Loss of soil organic matter has made many farms increasingly reliant on fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.

Improving Soil Video

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Sold in 18 and 40 lb bags. Great for all lawns warm and cool season. PGF will help get that thick green lawn.
PGF Complete is the PERFECT fertilizer for established spring lawns, new lawns, and new turf.

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Super Juice is a spray supplement that can be used on ANY type of lawn. Supplements help with the healthy green lawn all year long.

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Soil and Microbe Related Articles and Research

To restore our soils, feed the microbes

Much recent research has focused on adding organic material back to soils to restore them. This is an important strategy, but I believe we also should aim to enhance the microbes that are responsible for soil formation. I was part of a research team that demonstrated in a 2015 study that adding efficient microbes to soils can enhance the percentage of plant carbon that is transformed into soil. New research suggests that by fostering an efficient and active soil microbiome, we can accelerate soil regeneration far beyond typical rates seen in nature.

Better Soils Better Crops

Microorganisms are very small forms of life that can sometimes live as single cells, although many also form colonies of cells. A microscope is usually needed to see individual cells of these organisms. Many more microorganisms exist in topsoil, where food sources are plentiful, than in subsoil. They are especially abundant in the area immediately next to plant roots (called the rhizosphere), where sloughed-off cells and chemicals released by roots provide ready food sources. These organisms are primary decomposers of organic matter, but they do other things, such as provide nitrogen through fixation to help growing plants, detoxify harmful chemicals (toxins), suppress disease organisms, and produce products that might stimulate plant growth. Soil microorganisms have had another direct importance for humans—they are the source of most of the antibiotic medicines we use to fight diseases.

Soil Microbial Resources for Improving Fertilizers Efficiency

Microbial biotechnology through the exploitation of microbial resources has proved in the last 30 years to be one of the most powerful and potent tool that could provide palpable answers to address nutrient limitations (notably N and P) in most agricultural soils.

organic lawn matter for microbes

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