Seeding Bermuda Lawn

lawn care products

How to Seed Bermuda Lawn

Doc walks you through seeding a Bermuda lawn and planting Bermuda grass seed.  While this project is a small golf green, the basics are the same.   Seeding should be done in that late spring to early summer when daytime temps are fairly constant in the 80s.  You also need to be prepared to do lots of watering.  Remember, Bermuda grass seed takes 7-14 days to germinate and during this period we need to keep the soil moist.

Seeding Bermuda Video

Products for Seeding

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Free Bermuda Lawn Guide.

Click the book to see the free Bermuda lawn guide.

HUMICHAR… It sells out VERY FAST once it hits.
Click the Bag for current listing.

PGF Complete lawn fertilizer

Sold in 18 and 40 lb bags. Great for all lawns warm and cool season.
PGF Complete is the PERFECT fertilizer for established spring lawns, new lawns, and new turf.
Note: 40 lb bags not always in stock.

Super Juice Supplement Spray

New Spray Bottles for Super Juice


Quality Bermuda Seed – Supplies Limited by Season

Ignore the SPONSORED items… Look for exact

Arden 15 Bermuda Seed

Ignore the SPONSORED items… Look for exact

yukon bermuda grass seed

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Oasis Bermuda Lawn Grass Seed Blend

Ignore the SPONSORED items… Look for exact

Black Jack Bermuda – Seasonal Click Pic

Other Seeding Videos / Posts

Over Seeding Bermuda Lawn


Over Seeding Bermuda Lawn



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