Spring Lawn Scalping
It’s critical that we scalp our lawn in the spring. Spring lawn scalping reduces the dead brown grass and allows our Bermuda grass to be solid green at lower heights. You should scalp the dead brown grass down to 50% of the desired GREEN height you want. Keep in mind that the spring scalp can be hard on equipment and there will be a lot of clippings.
We remove our clippings for two reasons. First the dead brown clippings add little to no nutritional value back to the soil. Next the will cause issues when it rains heavy leaving tiger stripe piles all over the lawn.
Spring Lawn Products
can be used on all lawns and is available in both 18 and 40 pounds bags. CLICK the bag below to see pricing.
is a soil improvemnt product, a 50/50 blend of Humic and BioChar.
NOTE: It may show currently unavailable, keep checking back.
Granular Pre Emergent
Bermuda Lawn Guide