spring scalp bermuda lawn
Bermuda Grass Care

Final Spring Scalp of the Bermuda Lawn

Final Spring Scalp of the Bermuda Lawn Doc and son do the final spring scalping of the Bermuda lawn.  Reducing the Bermuda lawn to below 1/2 inch in preparation for the growth period.  We remove […]

bermuda lawn scalping
Bermuda Grass Care

Scalping Bermuda Lawns

Scalping Bermuda Lawns Doc scalps the Bermuda lawn because the lawn has grown too tall.  A common problem in the late summer.  Lawn scalping must be done during the active growing season and with temps […]

Summer lawn scalp
Bermuda Grass Care

Summer Bermuda Lawn Scalping

Summer Bermuda Lawn Scalp Bermuda lawns are usually scalped in the spring, however if your lawn starts to look a little ugly from growing too tall a summer lawn scalp is not a bad idea.  […]

scalping bermuda lawn
Bermuda Grass Care

Lawn Scalping Spring

Spring Lawn Scalping It’s critical that we scalp our lawn in the spring.  Spring lawn scalping reduces the dead brown grass and allows our Bermuda grass to be solid green at lower heights.  You should […]