Early Spring Lawn Care

lawn care products

Spring Lawn Care Bermuda Grass

In this video Doc talks about the early spring lawn care and some of the steps Bermuda lawns need to get healthy quickly.  He also discusses shortages that are already being seen in the lawn care products and how to plan.  Now is the time for most of us to start treating our spring lawn for a quick green up.  This includes lawn fertilizer, lawn scalping, and lawn sprays for health.

Spring Lawn Care Video

Products For Spring Bermuda

Mclane Reel Mower

The link below will take you directly to the lawn reel mower that Doc likes best.

PGF Complete lawn fertilizer

Sold in 18 and 40 lb bags. Great for all lawns warm and cool season.
PGF Complete is the PERFECT fertilizer for established spring lawns, new lawns, and new turf.

Spring Pre-Emergent

Spring lawn preemergent is critical to get down now.

Free Bermuda Lawn Guide.

Click the book to see the free Bermuda lawn guide.

Super Juice Supplement Spray

HUMICHAR Soil Biochar

NOTE: It may show currently unavailable, keep checking back.

It sells out VERY FAST

New Spray Bottles for Super Juice

NEW 2020 – Spring Fungicide
Prevent and Kill Granular

granular lawn fungicide

Spring Grub Killer – Granular

Best Lawn Spreader

Microbe Pack


early green bermuda lawn

More information and Products