Treating for Lawn Grubs and Armyworms
Late summer and early fall bring on the subject and problem of armyworms and lawn grubs. In this video Doc shows you how to break and treat the grub life-cycle starting with the beetles and how to treat for armyworms. If you have dead / brown patches in your lawn, there’s a good chance you have lawn grubs. The grubs eat the roots of the grass and kill off small to large patches.
Lawn Grub Video
Lawn Care Products
The DOUBLE KILL product below is the granular in step one for grubs and army worms. It can be applied with a regular spreader, then lightly…. water it in for armyworms. If you have grubs, come back the next day and water in heavy so the product reaches deep in the soil.
Permethrin Spray
Permethrin is a safe product that will remain on the blades of grass to kill armyworms. Do not apply if rain is coming within 24 hours. It is dog friendly when used as the label directs but not good around cats. It is widely used in the farm industry around livestock.
Click the Bag for current listing.
A 50/50 mix of humic acid and biochar made specifically for lawn care.
PGF Complete lawn fertilizer
Sold in 18 and 40 lb bags. Great for all lawns warm and cool season. PGF will help get that thick green lawn.
PGF Complete is the PERFECT fertilizer for established spring lawns, new lawns, and new turf. Can be applied every 3-4 weeks during the growing season.
Super Juice is a spray supplement that can be used on ANY type of lawn. Supplements help with the healthy green lawn all year long.
Spray Bottles
Currently on Backorder