Bermuda Lawn Care Answers

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Q&A About Bermuda Lawns

You asked Doc the questions about Bermuda lawns and now Doc answers them.  You can SCROLL the timeline and see the chapters. 

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Lawn Care Products

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PGF Balanced Fertilizer 10-10-10

PGF Balanced is a professional grade 10-10-10 with micros and iron.  Great for fall and spring lawns as well as all gardens and landscapes.

Lawn Pre Emergent granular for lawns.

Sold in 18 lb bags it will STOP WEEDS before they begin.  Apply in the fall and very early spring.  Apply at the heavy rate and make sure you get TOTAL coverage for best results.  Price INCLUDES shipping costs.

Leveling Mix

HUMICHAR… humic acid and biochar.

A 50/50 mix of humic acid and biochar made specifically for lawn care. CONTAINS NO NUTRIENTS and can be applied at anytime, as often as you want, and with any other product the same day. Price INCLUDES shipping.

PGF Complete lawn fertilizer

Sold in 18 and 40 lb bags. Great for all lawns warm and cool season. PGF will help get that thick green lawn.PGF Complete is the PERFECT fertilizer for spring, summer, and fall lawns.  Great on new lawns, and new turf. Can be applied every 3-4 weeks during the growing season.  PGF Complete is very mild and needs to be applied more often than other brands.


Super Juice is a spray supplement that can be used on ANY type of lawn. Supplements help with the healthy green lawn all year long.

The Insect DOUBLE KILL Granular

Will kill grubs and army worms in your lawn along with 100s of other invasive bugs and pests.  Apply when there is a dew on the lawn and then lightly water in.  For GRUBS… water in heavy or allow rains to move it deep where they live. 

Free Bermuda Lawn Guide


0:00 Intro

1:07 Why don’t you talk crap?

4:11 Why no collaborations

6:10 Thumbs Down

7:22 Moderate Comments

8:42 Do you take free product

9:56 Beach house updates

11:33 Multiple treatments same time

12:47 Mixed grasses in Yard

14:30 Kill a specific weed

15:15 Reel Mowers

18:41 Grass seeds and seeding

20:35 bio-stimulants and super juice

24:25 Saturated soils weather applications

26:57 When to scalp

29:12 Organic matter lawns

30:48 new sod

 31:42Dirt Booster and gardens

32:04 Lawn spreaders

33:27 what fertilizer

35:19 leveling

37:32 rolling lawns

39:18 aeration

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4 years ago

Been using your calendar for Zoysia, the before and after is unbelievable! My lawn is the envy of the neighborhood! Is there anything I SHOULDNT be doing in the Bermuda guide that I’m doing with my Zoysia? 

4 years ago
Reply to  John

Me too. I have two types of zoysia – enerald green and zion. Is the burmuda program OK to follow?

4 years ago
Reply to  John

I 2nd John’s question. I also have Zoysia (Zeon) and had Clemson soil test this past fall. I know what my soil needs, but figured I would mostly follow 2021 Bermuda guide.

3 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Emerald here, seems to be fine, grass grows like crazy, no weeds

3 years ago
Reply to  John

I also have zoysia…and would like to know the same information John. I’m in central Alabama.

3 years ago
Reply to  John

Second this, new zoysia (emerald) installed in August. Okay to follow you guide? Also, since it hasn’t had a growing season how do I manage the widespread weeds I grew over winter?

3 years ago
Reply to  John

I have ICON zoysia here. Been following channel for a year now. I had the best lawn in Jax Beach for most of the year. Got caught up with so much emphasis on fertilizing, humichar, etc…..that I lost control over the fungicide and did not know or follow how often to apply this to avoid diseases. Got crushed in the early fall which made it hard through the winter. Was very very cold down here in northeast Florida.

Patrick D
Patrick D
4 years ago

Hey Doc,

Clemson said I’m low on Phos. Any product recommendations other than PGF Balanced that you recommend to get the Phos numbers up quickly?

Daniel Cobb
Daniel Cobb
4 years ago

Hey Doc! Closing on this house (hopefully) this month. I know you did a video on sod care, however, wanted to ask:

  1. New sod care laid in winter?
  2. When can/do I apply preemergent?
  3. Do I keep it wet before spring/summer temps?
  4. Is there a way to push it in the first growing season?

Senoia, Ga

Last edited 4 years ago by Daniel Cobb
Daniel Cobb
Daniel Cobb
3 years ago
Reply to  admin

Is leveling okay?

Ricky Hathcock
Ricky Hathcock
4 years ago

Love the videos. But they do not relate to my lawn as much as I would like. I live in north Florida and have centipede and empire zosia. Would love to see a lawn calendar for for other lawn types. Thank you for all you do

Colton Berry
Colton Berry
4 years ago

What’s the best way to convert a yard from St. Augustine to Bermuda? Our backyard is Bermuda, but front is St. Augustine. Does not do great due to minimal shade coverage and 100+ degree summer temps.

Scott Gay
Scott Gay
3 years ago
Reply to  Colton Berry

I have a related issue as I have both Bermuda and St. Augustine in my yard due to max sun/minimum sun areas. I enjoy having both types and both thrive well following the Doc’s program. How can I define the two types area better and keep invasion of each type to a minimum?

4 years ago

I am going to use Prodiamine 65 this year. Have you ever used it? Will it be effective on weeds from year 1 of use?

Max Vogel
Max Vogel
4 years ago

Hey doc I had a question about what kind of straw are you using for your raised garden beds ?
Thank you for the great show and all the great info your very insightful when it come lawn and garden and tools.

Max Vogel
Max Vogel
4 years ago
Reply to  admin

Awesome thanks I have not watched the hour video that you were talking about the cover crops planting

Jesse Sanchez
Jesse Sanchez
4 years ago

Hey Doc, will you be able to provide your subscribers a discount code so that we can stock up a bit for his upcoming season? I was able to take advantage of your last discount code last year. Thanks in advance. Keep up the great videos! I’m in south Texas (Helotes) outside San Antonio, and we’re having typical Texas weather right now. It was 80° yesterday and we woke up to 40° weather this morning ??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️. My lawn is confused but I’m following the lawn guide 2021 as I did towards the end of last year when I found your… Read more »

Wesley Anderson
Wesley Anderson
4 years ago

I recently bought a house and installed a new septic system and the crew made a mess with my yard and graded 6-7 inches of dirt over my existing Bermuda 419. I bought a Mclane mower and want to bring the height down to 1 inch. I’m concerned this large amount of red clay will keep the grass from growing.

4 years ago

Do you have a solution for the discoloration of the soil surface on the Bermuda on sides of houses? I’ve tried diseaseX and moss out with no luck.

Cory Reedy
Cory Reedy
4 years ago

Doc, what does your watering look like during the winter months? How much water, if any, does a Bermuda lawn need November through February?

4 years ago

I want to get some super juice. Why does Amazon not ship it to California where I live?

3 years ago

As Amazon won’t ship PGF complete to California do you have another recommendation for fertilizer?

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I live in CA and I have ordered PGF several times from Amazon without any issues.

Mr. Paul Nuttall
Mr. Paul Nuttall
3 years ago
Reply to  Gilbert

Me to. I live in SoCal and have ordered all the Anderson’s products with no problem. They lost my HumiChar order but resent it after I notified them.

4 years ago

Maybe a idiot question, one you answered on your site. I have this battle between my centipede and Bermuda. Random patch I only had maybe a couple of sq ft of Bermuda at the beginning of last year. It’s taken off like crazy and I love it! So I’d kill the centipede with roundup and Bermuda would advance. It’s been sorta fun advancing my army of Bermuda. Ok question, what chemical best kills centipede while not harming my bermuda

4 years ago

I have a mess of weeds and different sorts of grasses. I also want to transition to Bermuda. I have purchased Arden 15 as my seed of choice. I now have bought just about everything you’ve recommended from most of your vendors and I feel stuck and nervous about how to proceed. I have 2 acres in south Louisiana to transform and and I want to know what products should I used to kill existing grasses and weeds and when is it safe to put out the new seed afterwards? Or should I till you the ground completely and start fresh? We… Read more »

Jim Miller
Jim Miller
4 years ago

Hi Doc, What is the tow behind sprayer that you recently acquired? Although you have not used it yet, is it a model/or brand that you feel safe recommending? The 10 10 10 fertilizer which was shown on your recent list arrives today. Is it too soon to put that out? North Carolina zone 7a-7b. Will broadcast HumiChar and pre emergent this weekend. There are already small weeds popping up along the boundaries of warm walls or raised beds which reflect the sunlight and protect from the winds. Awesome video which you pointed to on soil health. and he made… Read more »

4 years ago

Hey Doc, I live in Stone Mountain Ga and I renovated my lawn using Kentucky 31 back in November (seeded the first week). In a previous video you state that “you should wait a year before applying pre-emergent to a newly sodded lawn… does this apply to me as well? I intend to apply it late Feb… should I wait a whole year? FYI my lawn was nothing but crabgrass last year and I’m afraid it will make a triumphant return if I don’t “throw er down” (lawn care nut reference). Either way love the channel and please keep the… Read more »

4 years ago

When you did your grass seed testing, which seed do you think looked the best? I’ll be seeding my lawn with bermuda seed this summer and am trying to decide between black jack, Arden-15, and Laprima. Thank you.

J Wright
J Wright
3 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

Arden-15 is the best looking of these three choices. You can look up trials on each variety and see which one fits your wants and needs best.

Chris Williams
Chris Williams
4 years ago

I have a mix of Bermuda and St. Augustine. Lawn is in rough shape. We just moved in a couple of months back but knowing that eventually the St. Augustine will take over, what advice do you have to care for both grass types and help me get the lawn into better shape after years of neglect?

4 years ago

I am getting conflicting info regarding backlapping. Some are saying to only backlap very little and to grind every couple of years. Always adjust reel to bed knife instead of backlapping. Also was told, the more you backlap the reel, the shorter the reel life will be.

Bobby Boyd
Bobby Boyd
3 years ago
Reply to  Craig

I have a toro 1000 greensmaster. I backlap twice a season. Also use a file to run across the bar. That really helps with the cut. I mow mostly at one inch.

4 years ago

Hey Doc,

I had a soil test done on my lawn. I found that I am very low on Nitrogen and somewhat low on Phosphorus. Everything else is at good levels. Is there a product(s) that you would suggest in order to correct the soil appropriately?

Todd Gingery
Todd Gingery
4 years ago

Hey Doc, I have a centipedegrass grass lawn. I live in Bluffton, SC, near your summer home. I want Bermuda grass. I have Georgia pines trees in my yard and lots of dirt spaces from the trees. I have been following the pattern that you use for your Bermuda grass. It does not seem to work I think because it is different grass styles. I would rather have Bermuda grass anyway. I have a sprinkler system in my yard. Could you recommend some Bermuda seed that I could use? I could also send you some pictures of my yard. Thank… Read more »

Fabio Pascotto
Fabio Pascotto
4 years ago

Hey Doc. Thanks for opening this space for questions. I am in Charlotte, NC if that matters. I actually have a few: Extension office recommended 10-10-10. Is it still ok to use PGF complete or should I follow their recommendation? Is Barricade all I need to keep Dallisgrass from coming back? I fought them with Celsius last year with good success but I am sure I still have a bunch of seeds waiting there. i might need to reseed some large areas where the Dallis died and where I had to install a drain and level. Any better strategy? Thanks… Read more »

Brian E...
Brian E...
4 years ago

Hey doc I’m from Pittsburgh pa and have established zoysia lawn from prior owner..IN THE TRANSITION ZONE could I follow your yearly lawn plan but just adjust the monthly events…

Last edited 4 years ago by Brian E...
4 years ago

In your video that asked us to come here and ask questions I see a lot of weeds in your lawn that are the exact weeds that I have in mine. What do you use to kill those and not hurt your Bermuda lawn? Also when is the best time to kill those weeds? Thank you for all your videos.

Charlotte Price
Charlotte Price
3 years ago
Reply to  Eric

I have the same problem here in NC sandhills. Put fall preemergent down in Dec and plan to repeat late Feb/early March but winter weeds are everywhere. Help please

Greg Kohls
Greg Kohls
4 years ago

Can we please meet Barb? I have to put a face to the name after all these years. Love the content Doc!


Brian Crow
Brian Crow
4 years ago

Doc, you used to say go buy the cheep 10-10-10 to put out early spring. Now you almost exclusively promote the Anderson product. Is it simply because of the PGF granules and quick dispersion? I’m in B’ham Al. We have almost the same weather pattern as you. Love you site!!

4 years ago

Hey Doc! What were the results from your beach house soil test(s) and how will you modify your lawn program for the coastal soil? Thanks!

4 years ago

Will your products be available in Canada or only in USA?


4 years ago

Hi Doc,
I have a St Augustine lawn due to heavy shade. Any chance you will us St Augustine at the beach house so we could get tips on that type of grass. Thanks for all the info.

4 years ago

Hey Doc, I move into a new house that I noticed has a two different types of bermuda grasses and one is considerably darker but this one never spreads it just remain in the same path it was laid or grown. Whats the best way to fix this? Thank you

Darvin Cash
Darvin Cash
4 years ago

Hey doc the only problem I have with my Bermuda lawn is white clover. Any recommendations how to get rid of it?
thanks D. Cash

4 years ago

Hey Doc, I live in western Kansas. My Question is I have a Bermuda and Bluegrass lawn. I am trying to let the Bermuda take over the lawn. Should I keep doing the the bermuda calendar so that it will be my main lawn? I enjoy your videos. Thanks

Nick L
Nick L
4 years ago

What happened to the give away that you start last year.
I haven’t seen you mention them in your videos in a while and they are not on your page under Giveaway Winners.
Have you decided not to do them anymore?

4 years ago

Hi Doc. Is there a place in the Atlanta area to buy Andersons products vs buying online?

4 years ago

Hi Doc, what’s an effective way of fixing area in lawn with standing water when it rains without breaking the bank? Thanks

4 years ago

Adjustments for your calendar for Centipede sod for southeast (8b-9a on USDA climate chart)

Mike foley
Mike foley
4 years ago

Was wondering if your tips on Bermuda are pretty much the same for zoysia but see that has been asked so would really like to know about zoysia sod laying while dormant or waiting until late April early May in Tennessee before sodding.

Bruce Whiteford
Bruce Whiteford
4 years ago

Doc- Your channel and site are fantastic! I’ve learned so much and it has really helped my bermuda (Tif 419 yard). I bought a 20″ McLane GR Series and it does a great job. However the cutting height is about 1/2″ higher than the standard model. The lowest my GR Series will go is 7/8″ and not 1/4″ as the standard goes. I am working on a green like you have and believe 7/8″ is not low enough. I located an after market product at Reel Rollers and it advertises that it will cut at down to 1/4″ and match… Read more »

J. Andray Hubble
J. Andray Hubble
4 years ago

Please help. Poa annua is getting out of control this winter.
I do love all your PGF and DG supplements. Eight months of using your videos. Was finally getting a great yard by last fall. Northeast Alabama.

Tony : my YT (TG Lawn Maintenance)
Tony : my YT (TG Lawn Maintenance)
4 years ago

I live in Pittsburgh PA My question is when the temp hits 45 and I throw down my first granular pre emergent can I come back one month later and use Prodiamine spray pre emergent?

4 years ago

What’s the best way to kill other lawn grass infiltrators into your lawn? I’ve got a few areas of St. Augustine from who knows where growing in my Bermuda and have resorted to just using straight roundup and living with dead spots until the Bermuda hopefully grows back in.

Tony Bowman
Tony Bowman
4 years ago

I’m in Ohio. How many weeks apart should I spread out my PGF fertilizer applications?

4 years ago

Hey Doc, just installed sprinkler system and wondering how to care for areas on my Bermuda lawn where trenches were dug to lay the pipe?

Charles Cooke
Charles Cooke
4 years ago

Doc: I live in Leesburg, Alabama and weather is same as in Ga. Will a mixture of 24D and Atra zine kill poa Anna this time of year (Feb) also how about Image mixed correctly kill same this time of year. Thanks love your knowledge and videos sharing your info on turf grass as well as vegetable garden.

J. Andray Hubble
J. Andray Hubble
4 years ago

Addendum to previous note. I have put out pre-emergent 3 times since last August.

4 years ago

Will you be transitioning out the cold weather grass in your fairway with warm weather grass or will you be maintaining both this year?

Mridul Sarkar
Mridul Sarkar
3 years ago
Reply to  John


Hercules Islas
Hercules Islas
4 years ago

What does doc do for a living besides YouTube?

Steve from Hoover AL
Steve from Hoover AL
4 years ago
Reply to  Hercules Islas

I think he is retired, but used with work at a golf course or something like that. Best move I ever made was firing a national brand and doing it myself. My yard looks fantastic. It is so think and nice – almost like carpet.

Matthew Leach
Matthew Leach
4 years ago

Hi Doc,

Main question is just proper care for new sod laid last October. I know the lawn guide says just pgf complete and super juice but what about humichar and weed killer? I have a lot of POA Annua that I’m worried will be too competitive but at the same time don’t want to harm the new sod. Also, is 12 months of new sod long enough to over seed with rye next winter? Thanks!!!
4 years ago

Best way to get rid of weeds and how to make Bermuda grass greener and thick. Thanks.

4 years ago

does the Anderson fertilizer that has iron or metals content stain your pool apron or pool bottom from an occasional particle?