How to Kill Grubs in Your Lawn
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When killing grubs in your lawn you must understand a critical point. The majority of lawn grubs do not come to the surface to feed. They feed on the ROOTS, therefore we need the grub killing agent to reach them down in the soil.
Action should be taken immediately. Don’t wait.
1- Apply the DOUCIDE and water lightly. This will wet the particles and cause them to turn to dust.
2- Wait roughly 20 – 30 minutes, then start watering again. This will drive the chemicals IN PLACE down into the soil.
3- Water heavy… 1/2″ of water or if rain is coming within 24 hours that will also work. This drives the chemicals down to the GRUB ZONE.
Basic Lawn Grub Info
Grubs are dirty white, soft bodied, and robust with a brown head and six well-developed legs, with exception of green June beetle grubs, which do not have well-developed legs. When the turf is lifted to expose the grubs, they usually will be lying on their sides in a C-shaped position.
The size of a white grub varies with the species and its age. Full-grown third-instar Japanese beetles and northern masked chafer grubs average slightly over one inch in length. White grub species can be distinguished by examining the grub’s raster pattern. The raster is a grouping of definitely arranged hairs, spines, and bare spaces on the underside of the last abdominal segment in front of the anus. Japanese beetle grubs have a V-shaped raster pattern, while northern masked chafer grubs have a nondescript “random” raster pattern.
Adult beetles differ considerably in color markings, shape, and size. Japanese beetle adults are brilliant metallic green, 3/8 to 1/2 inch long, bearing coppery brown wing covers, with five lateral spots with white hairs on each side of the abdomen, and short gray hairs covering the underside of the insect.
They were first observed in the United States in 1916 in southern New Jersey. Northern masked chafer adults are chestnut brown, covered with fine hairs, resemble small June beetles, and are roughly 1/2 inch long. Likewise, the adults have dark chocolate brown heads that shade to a light brown (masked appearance). Northern masked chafer is native to the United States.
Pictures of grubs
Lawn Grub Links