Super Juice Fall Fertilizer

lawn care products

Fall Fertilizer Super Juice

Fall lawn fertilizing is all about understanding timing and when to switch from granular fall fertilizers, over to spray fertilizers like Super Juice.  Granular fertilizers feed for up to 8 weeks so it’s often better to switch over in the fall to a spray fertilizer as the temps drop.

Fall Lawn Fertilizer Video

In the fall, we need to “tone back” and slowly reduce the lawn fertilizer in granular form. This is due to granulars lasting and feeding for up to 10 weeks. This slow feeding of the lawn can result in extra lawn energy at times when our lawn wants to store nutrients for the winter. This is not good. You last fall fertilizer should be when daytime temps are in the 80s. Then switch over to Super Juice which can be applied every two weeks until the cold weather hits.




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