Severe Drought Lawn Care Let it Die?

lawn care products

Severe Drought Lawn Care Let it Die?

What to do with your lawn during long droughts. Doc explains that the last rainfall was 34 days ago and if it doesn’t rain soon, we could break the records that go back the 1800’s. The question is, should you keep fighting the drought and water in the fall. The short answer is… it’s up to you but since your lawn is going dormant soon it might not be worth the effort or expense of high water bills. 

Drought Lawn Care Video

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Free Lawn Care Guides

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Best VALUE in Reel Mowers

Dirt Booster Plus for Lawns and Gardens

New – DGL Dark Green Lawn

All fast release 25-0-0 + 6% iron.

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PGF Balance 10-10-10 

A professional grade 10-10-10 with tiny particles, micro nutrients, and iron. Great first step for late winter.  

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PGF Complete 16-4-8 Lawn Fertilizer

This is the main fertilizer for ALL lawns during the growing season.  Warm season and cool season lawns. 

pgf complete lawn fertilizer

Should be applied to ALL LAWNS and can be applied as heavy and as often as you like.  It contains NOTHING that can hurt your lawn and is 50/50 mix of biochar and humic acid. 

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Killing Grubs and Army Worms with the Double Kill Doucide

Preventative products should be used in the late summer.  Killing products work best in the spring. The product below can be applied anytime of the year to kill grubs. 

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GreenShocker Fast Acting Granular

GreenShocker is a granular, all fast release, fertilizer supplement. 

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Granular Fungicide for Lawns

lawn care fungicide


Lawn Hose End Spray Bottles

WARNING: Use only the 20:1 ratio bottles and do not pay more than $19 for TWO bottles.  When out of stock, others will charge up to $40 if out of stock. Simply wait until they come back in stock from Andersons. 

Green Dye Doc Uses

Uses gloves and if you get on your hands, wash with a bleach kitchen cleaner and soap to remove.


Large Spreader Used – Top Pick for 2024

Probably one of the best VALUES for a large spreader with huge wheels.


Lawn care tips and Bermuda lawn care.  

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