- We are looking for a few Super Juice testers that still have daytime temps in the 80’s.
This will mainly be focused on the SOUTH… Florida area. (If your 10 day forecast does not show temps in the 80s, you will not be able to help.)
————————————————– - This is NOT a contact form. Doc will not be reviewing these inquires. Mike will be handling all of them. It is ONLY to be used by testers.
————————————————– - We are asking testers to put a small tarp, roughly 5×5, on a spot as a “control” area where the Super Juice can not reach.
————————————————- - You’ll need to be able to take pictures and submit them and keep a “diary” of the results. If you can shoot videos, that would be great as well.
————————————————- - We will supply everything you need.
———————————————— - Your results must be kept confidential / only shared with us. We will be using them on upcoming videos and on the website. Do not use your last name or show address signs in pics and videos. They will be sent to us via where you create a folder and share the folder with us.
———————————————– - BY SUBMITTING THE FORM BELOW… You hereby verify…. You are not affiliated with any lawn care product company or lawn care video production.
If you qualify to be a tester please use the form below. If you are chosen, we will contact you.