Grass Clippings Clog Bagging Tube
Doc shows a quick tip on keeping grass clippings from clogging your riding mower. Most clippings can be wet and the inside of your bagging tube gets old, rough and dirty. Use a quick wax to clean the interior of the tube and it will reduce clogs by up to 50%.
Riding Mower Clogs Video
Lawn Care Products
GGR Lawn Growth Regulator
Click the bag below to order via Amazon.
Price INCLUDES shipping.
Click the Bag for current listing.
A 50/50 mix of humic acid and biochar made specifically for lawn care.
PGF Complete lawn fertilizer
Sold in 18 and 40 lb bags. Great for all lawns warm and cool season. PGF will help get that thick green lawn. PGF Complete is the PERFECT fertilizer for established spring lawns, new lawns, and new turf. Can be applied every 3-4 weeks during the growing season.
Super Juice is a spray supplement that can be used on ANY type of lawn. Supplements help with the healthy green lawn all year long.
The DOUBLE KILL product below is the granular in step one for army worms and grubs.
The Permethrin spray for armyworms is below.
Spray Bottles
Free Bermuda Lawn Guide.
Click the book to see the free Bermuda lawn guide.