Lawn Magnetic Pickup Tool
After the fence construction the big worry is metal objects in the lawn that may hurt the reel mower, kids, or pets. Doc shows you the magnetic pick up tool that works well on lawns. Picking up over 40 metal objects just on the first pass, this tool paid for itself. The 36 inch wide model is great for lawns and runs about $70.
Magnetic Pickup Tool Video
Pickup Took 18 – 36 inches wide.
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PGF Complete lawn fertilizer
Sold in 18 and 40 lb bags. Great for all lawns warm and cool season. PGF will help get that thick green lawn.
PGF Complete is the PERFECT fertilizer for established spring lawns, new lawns, and new turf.
Spring Pre-Emergent
If you have not put any down, do it now. Thick green lawns need to be weed free so we don’t have to use weed killers later in the season.
Lawn Grub Killer
Grubs love a thick green lawn, it’s their dinner. They eat the roots and destroy the lawn. If you have grub damage apply now.
Cheap Organic Material
#1 Click the bag below…
#2 In the product search box enter SKU → 507818999
#3 Add to your cart and buy for pickup at your location. This will HOLD the product for you since you PAID for it.
Super Juice is a spray supplement that can be used on ANY type of lawn. Supplements help with the healthy green lawn all year long.
MICROBIAL PACK for garden soils.
Free Bermuda Lawn Guide.
Click the book to see the free Bermuda lawn guide.
New Spray Bottles for Super Juice
Lawn Fungus Treatment
The BEST granular product on the market… HANDS DOWN. One bag treats 10,000 sq ft.